M1A1-M1A2 Abrams

The American MBT from the 70's.

Photo taken in Sweden during the 90's as part of a program called "Stridsvagn Ny".
Where they researched tanks from every country, including the Abrams.

Prototype and Production

Wars and Conflicts

The Abrams' combat record has established it as one of the most formidable tanks in the world, with continuous updates and improvements to keep it at the forefront of armored warfare.

Technical specifications

Composite armor and Protection

The Abrams features composite armor in weakspots or larger areas that are prone to being hit. In this picture you can see the location of these spots.

The composite armor layout of the Abrams.
(composite is referred to as special armor)

The material composition of the Abrams composite armor is not publically known. But we can make and educated guess from what we know.

These materials are likely to be the ones used:


A picture of maintainence being done on the Abrams engine.

The M1 Abrams tank is powered by a gas turbine engine, specifically the Honeywell AGT1500.

It's important to note that the gas turbine engine provides the Abrams with significant advantages in terms of power-to-weight ratio and acceleration, making it one of the fastest and most maneuverable main battle tanks in the world. However, it does come with some logistical challenges due to its fuel consumption and maintenance requirements.

Fire control system, armaments and ammunition

A picture from the gunners position showing the fire control system of the Abrams.

The fire control system on the abrams is state of the art and has access to thermal/night vision. Along with a normal backup sight.

The fire control system (FCS) on the M1 Abrams is a critical component that plays a key role in the tank's accuracy and target engagement capabilities. Here's a brief overview of the fire control system on the Abrams:

TUSK Variants

The Tank Urban Survival Kit (TUSK) is a set of upgrades and modifications designed to enhance the M1 Abrams tank's effectiveness in urban combat and other close-quarters environments. The TUSK program includes several variants, including TUSK, TUSK I, and TUSK II. Here's an overview of each variant:

Here the 3 tusk variants are
shown and their differences.

These TUSK variants were developed to address the specific challenges posed by urban combat, where tanks can be vulnerable to ambushes, improvised explosive devices (IEDs), and RPG attacks. The upgrades provided by TUSK packages enhance the Abrams tank's survivability and effectiveness in these environments, making it a more adaptable and formidable asset in a variety of combat scenarios. The exact configuration of TUSK packages may vary depending on the version and specific needs of the tank.

Finishing notes

All this was written and researched by ainawastaken in about a day. (excluding some information i already had)

You can find some more pictures and documents of the Abrams in my extensive list of military equipment. You can find the Abrams folder here and the entire folder here